Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Review: Murray's Chicken


Murray's Chicken is great to cook with and only slightly more expensive than other supermarket brands. I have been cooking and eating their product for years and have never had an issue with quality. All of their chickens are raised in the New York Tri-State area and therefore no preservatives are needed to keep the birds fresh during transportation. Additionally, the only reason they are not certified organic is to absolve the customer from having the costs of being certified passed onto them. The birds are brought up on a 100% vegeterian diet of soybeans and corn, and Murray's is a certified humane organization. I recently bought a whole chicken and was very pleased, although there were one or two feathers left which I needed to pluck before cooking. 

  • Expect the prices to be slightly higher than other poultry brands in stores but the quality of meat to be better

Murray's Chicken

To find a store near you,
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  1. Do you know if the soybeans and corn are genetically modified or not? Do any farn feed their chickenc non-GMO chicken feed? If you know any, who are they? Is Murray one of them? Very curious to know! Thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Got a few extra minutes to do a quick search and found my answer right on their website. Only their products labelled as 'organic' are indeed fed a GMO-free chicken feed. :) See Link:

    1. Hi Linda. Thanks for reading. You are correct, Murray's is beginning to roll out an Organic Chicken line with GMO free feed. Their current corn and soybean crops for their feed are grown in open air fields near GMO crops and therefore cannot be guaranteed to be 100% non-GMO.

  4. Chris and Linda, on behalf of Murray's Chicken I am here to inform you that Murray's has just recently been Non-GMO Project Verified. Most of our chicken products have been verified including our: whole, boneless skinless breasts, wings, thighs, legs, drumsticks, split breast, liver, bones, and boneless, skinless thighs. We hope you'll join us in making food labeling popular and feeding our families healthier foods! ENJOY :)

  5. I love your chickens but my last one was loaded with feathers I had to pluck with tweezers at least 30 feathers

  6. I switched to buying ONLY Murray’s whole chickens for the past six years and love them. I buy 4-6 chickens per week. However lately I’ve been really disappointed because over these last few months I’ve been encountering a lot more feathers on the chickens. Just yesterday I spent an awful LONG time plucking feathers from two chickens I wanted to roast. Even some inches long feathers were still attached to the wings and loads of smaller feathers on legs thighs and all over. It seems something has changed with processing!?

  7. Peace and blessings is this chicken hands slaughtered properly and with the name of Allah (God)
